miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

akshfdkajshfdakjsdksadba *O*

MMM... me? I'm a very normal boy (?), go to parties, study (a litle :P), go to shopping, play in the PC, listen music, i have a lot of good friend, asdasdasd, etc. Since 3ªMedio? that i want to be a vet, and with this, go to live to the south.
With the south magic xD

My choose was very simple, i hate the oficine work, the stress of the streets (taco), time tables stricts and the contact with discusting people,
and i love the animals, the nature, Pachamama i love you :P.
i love the pellis <3

In a begin, i want to go to the University Austral of Chile, because i have some contacts, family and friends in Valdivia, the Campus is beautiful, and the people tell me that is a very good university in the veterinarian area.
Another point was i not have in this moment confident in me :B

but but but... i obtain a good score in the PSU, and change my opinion about me,
my friend convence me and thanks this, i stay here :P

Respect to the University of Chile, mmmmm.. yeah, it like to me, but, i spect more, i think that have foults, but can be better.


4 comentarios:

  1. "Pachamama I love you :P." ROFLMAO
    Very intresting the way you entered in the U.

    Now I`m very tired and without thoughts.

    regards :D

  2. MM... me? I'm a very normal boy (?), go to parties, study (a litle :P), go WF to shopping, play in the PC, listen music, i have a lot of good friend, asdasdasd, etc. Since 3ªMedio? that i want to be a vet, and with this, go to live to the south.
    With the south magic xD

    My WF choose was very simple, i hate the oficine work, the stress of the streets WW C (taco), WF time tables WO stricts and the contact with WF discusting people,
    and i love the animals, the nature, Pachamama i love you :P.
    i love the pellis <3

    WW In a begin, i TENSE want to go to the University Austral of Chile, because i have some contacts, family and friends in Valdivia, the Campus is beautiful, and the people TENSE tell me that is a very good university in the veterinarian area.
    Another point was i ^ not have in this moment ? confident in me :B

    but but but... i TENSE obtain a good score in the PSU, and TENSEchange my opinion about me,
    my friend convence me and thanks this, i stay here :P

    Respect to the University of Chile, mmmmm.. yeah, ? it like to me, but, i spect more, i think that SVA have foults, but ^ can be better.

    well done! but you need to check some corrections...
    now, it can be better how?
