domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

One of my dreams!

Hi everyone!

How about your weekend? A little cold. Right?
On a day as cold as today, when I woke up a couple of times out of bed, and then back to it, I think in those poor animals that are out there without shelter and without a roof, abandoned, without someone who move their tail ...
Is for them that I would like to open a shelter, like we saw in "Dog Town", because they do not deserve the conditions in which they live or all the abuse that happened!

They deserve a good life, love, food and tranquility. I'm not talking about dogs and cats only; I'm talking about any animal that needs help, either a fair horse that is abused, a farm animal attacked by dogs or a man, or injured wild animals, etc. More than a shelter, I want to have a rehabilitation center, a socialization center, a bridge from the bad memories into a happy future, without turning back.

I would like to achieve social awareness about the responsible ownership of animals, educate the population and if things go well, they multiply the centers like mine. I’m not expecting an impact at vet level, it's gonna be greater! It will be important at nation level.

Most of my colleagues could be happy with a shelter, the deep love for animals is something that characterizes the veterinary students, and of course I do. I could not be happier doing it.

I hope someday be able to realize this dream or something like that. A lot of money will be necessary, but it isn't impossible!
I’ll see you around, have a nice week…
Luck in chemistry and math!!!

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Everybody love it

Hi, the session 4 is about the favorite subject, so, lets go!
My favorite activities in the university are... The Veterinary Practices!!!
Because is funny, is like stay in the country, we can smell it xD
Also the zoology labs practices, viewing the details of the arthropod, or destroying a fish when i worked like a butcher, or not Danirawwrr? jajajaja

In past years, the practice was just to pick up poop, and for a week at the fabulous "Mundo Caca"
This year things changed... No more poop.

The first semester practices give you the oportunity to experience the world of the farm animals, their care, behaviour and basic management of horses, cows, lambs and llamas
Also the clinical practice of small animal, here we learn the basic procedure of how to examine a pet and how to treat costumers and obtain information (they lie very often)

I want to start classes of anatomy, to see and touch what's under the skin, so when I pass on the outside of a stable, i could say: oh! in this zone are those bones and muscles (H)
Jeje, bye

sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

Ojo Cientifico

This is not exactly a "veterinarian web site" but, sometimes, its posted very interesting articles related with the animal science, for example; do you know that the sharks, can breed using Parthenogenesis? or, you know that in Spain, the scientists successfully cloned a bull? Interesting no?

If you see to the right of the website, you will see links like "Biology", "Botanic", "Environment", etc. Go to "Zoology", -is the last one-
in this place, can we find articles interesting for us!

Constantly i'm visit this website, i read almost all articles of astronomy, medicine, nature, curiosities, and topics about the past (Fossils, dinosaurs, etc). I remember the fist time that i visited it, because i was looking for information of how is the view in the dogs... I finished reading about canine empathy :B

Today, the article that more caught my atention was this: The noses of the dogs are amazing, i can't believe it... detected cancer...

I hope you enjoy this website, and if something caught your attention, internet is great for looking for a little more of information.

Good luck