domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Everybody love it

Hi, the session 4 is about the favorite subject, so, lets go!
My favorite activities in the university are... The Veterinary Practices!!!
Because is funny, is like stay in the country, we can smell it xD
Also the zoology labs practices, viewing the details of the arthropod, or destroying a fish when i worked like a butcher, or not Danirawwrr? jajajaja

In past years, the practice was just to pick up poop, and for a week at the fabulous "Mundo Caca"
This year things changed... No more poop.

The first semester practices give you the oportunity to experience the world of the farm animals, their care, behaviour and basic management of horses, cows, lambs and llamas
Also the clinical practice of small animal, here we learn the basic procedure of how to examine a pet and how to treat costumers and obtain information (they lie very often)

I want to start classes of anatomy, to see and touch what's under the skin, so when I pass on the outside of a stable, i could say: oh! in this zone are those bones and muscles (H)
Jeje, bye

2 comentarios:

  1. The prctices are the best thing in the university.
    nice picture Emilio :D

  2. Hi, the session 4 is about the favorite subject, so, lets go!
    My favorite activities in the university are... The Veterinary Practices!!!
    Because is funny, is like WF stay in the country, we can smell it xD
    Also the zoology labs practices, viewing the details of the arthropod, or destroying a fish when i worked like a butcher, or not Danirawwrr? jajajaja

    In past years, the practice was just to pick up poop, and for a week at the fabulous "Mundo Caca"
    This year things changed... No more poop.

    The first semester practices give you the oportunity to experience the world of the farm animals, their care, behaviour and basic management of horses, cows, lambs and llamas
    Also the clinical practice of small animal, here we learn the basic procedure of how to examine a pet and how to treat costumers and obtain information (they lie very often)

    I want to start classes of anatomy, to see and touch what's under the skin, so when I pass on the outside of a stable, i could say: oh! in this zone are those bones and muscles (H)
    Jeje, bye

    It sounds very interesting...So it is more than poop uh?
    Good luck with Anatomy because a lot of students say it's hard

    p.s. nice picture
